If you’re interested in purchasing a nail gun, you need to know how to stay safe while you’re using it. While these power tools are safe when utilized according to industry “best practices”, some users, such as home handymen and women, may not be aware of how to utilize nail guns safely.
To help you learn everything that you need to know, we’ve created a practical quick guide.
By telling you what you should do in order to operate your nail gun correctly, we’ll make it easier for you to get the job done, without hurting yourself or someone else. Bear in mind that the operating manual which comes with your nail gun is really the best resource for instructions on usage.
In the world of construction, one piece of equipment that has vastly begun to replace hammers for extensive nailing requirements is the nail gun. Intervened around the 1950s, the nail gun provided a means to use mechanical forces more powerful and accurate than those exerted by the human arm. Using a variety of mechanisms, the types of nail gun available include: electric, solenoid-powered, powder-actuated, and pneumatic. Nails used in nail guns are typically loaded on clips, similar to some types of ammunition. They range in size and can be used in a variety of projects. Some smaller types of pneumatic nail guns are able to fit in the palm of the hand and help people work in tight spaces, where others are large enough to drive full sized spikes with.
They have taken over in a lot of construction industries because they require less patching and filling in as a result of using them, which results in quicker completion times. This is especially handy for areas such as molding or any place that is meant to be seen post construction.
What The Differences Between Each Type Of Nail Gun?
The differences in type center mainly around how it supplies the driving force for the nails. In electric nail guns, a motor compresses a spring that is suddenly released. Solenoid-powered a piston and solenoid provide the driving force. Powder-actuated nail guns actually use small explosions to either directly propel the nail, or to power another mechanism, such as a piston. In pneumatic nail guns, the source of driving power is compressed air.
Another distinction between nail guns, is not just how its force is supplied but by how it’s released or triggered. There are two types of fail safes for nail gun triggers, the dual action and the sequential. In dual action triggers, both the nozzle that the nail is fired from and the trigger of the gun must be depressed simultaneously. In sequential triggers, the nozzle must be depressed before the trigger can be.
Safety Points To Keep In Mind When Using Any Type Of Nail Gun
All construction equipment should be handled with care and respect. These tools are designed to build and tear down buildings and often have no difficulty rending both flesh and bone in an accident.
Always wear appropriate safety gear, including safety glasses and helmet, and maintain situational awareness at all times, for your sake and others.
When possible, use a gun with a sequential trigger as opposed to a dual action one. The recoil of many nail guns can cause a double-tap of the nozzle resulting in dual nails being fired while the trigger is still depressed. In sequential triggers, the instant the nail is fired the manual trigger locks again, so that even with the muzzle is double-tapped from recoil the trigger can’t be re-squeezed so soon.
You should never attempt to modify or misuse a nail gun by attempting to drive nails through non-rated surfaces for that model.
How to Use Your Nail Gun Correctly
First, read the manual that came with your gun. If you bought it second-hand, try to find a copy of the manual online. It may be possible to download the operating manual, which will be well worth doing.
If you’re going to be sharing a nail gun at a worksite, be sure that the manual for the device is placed where everyone can find it. In addition, be sure to read labels on the tool and to share this information with others who will be using the nail gun.
Check Your Tool and Power Source(s)
Before beginning a new job, check your power tool in order to make sure that it’s in good working order. Power sources should always be checked out, so as to reduce the risk of injury via electrocution or product malfunction. Never use a nail gun that isn’t working correctly – it should be taken away from the worksite immediately. In addition, never use a nail gun when power sources aren’t working as they should be.
Before using a nail gun on wood, look at planks in order to ensure that you are aware of flaws, such as knots, which might trigger an accident while you’re using the power tool. In addition, see if other nails are present, look for straps and hangers, and generally be aware of any issues which might cause ricocheting or recoiling.
In addition, be sure to check your nail gun regularly, in order to ensure that there are no jams or other issues. Nail jams should be cleared properly whenever they occur, so that the gun functions properly.
Always Wear Protective Gear
Wearing the correct protective gear will also help you to stay safe. Protect your eyes with safety goggles and your hands with protective gloves. People do get hurt while using nail guns incorrectly – in fact, more than four million Americans are injured in this manner every year. So, wearing the right safety gear should be considered a must. Bear in mind that most injuries are this type are very preventable. Maintaining best practices for safety will dramatically reduce the risk of injury.
Now that you know some safety tips for nail gun users, you’ll be ready to enjoy using a nail gun safely, whether you’re working on tasks at your own home or at a construction site.